Rainbow Trout Available This Fall and Winter

An Exciting Opportunity Awaits


Wait, aren’t trout a stream fish?

They are native to rivers and streams but have been bred in recent

history to survive in small to large impoundments.

Imagine waking up on a beautiful sunny winter day, grabbing

your fly rod and walking out to your pond and catching a few Big

Ole “Bows”!

These trout are a very exciting wintertime catch and

make excellent table-fare. They will bite on a nice warm winter day, OR

if the pond is frozen over and you want to do some ice fishing. They will

consume the supplemental fish food, so you won’t have to worry about

them going hungry.

Rainbow Trout are notorious for being aggressive and an

extremely fun fight. They can be stocked as Jumbo-sized adults,

anywhere between 3 and 6 pounds so they will be catch-ready on

day 1!

The Rainbows can survive late into the spring until water temps reach

75 degrees Fahrenheit. Now, why would I want to stock a fish that ends

up dying anyways? All fish die. It is about the experience that they

provide when they are alive and thriving! We stock them in the fall

and hopefully, YOU get out and fish for them and take them home to

eat and enjoy with your family. The enjoyment and excitement of

watching the youngsters (or you and your buddies) catching a big trout

is priceless! It provides a fishing opportunity when nothing else is


Are you one of those, “I only focus on hunting during the winter” kind

of people? Well… think of coming back home empty handed after an

early morning hunt with nothing to show. Think again! Instead of being

disappointed and embarrassed, you can swing by your pond and

catch a few trout before heading back home to your family so you’re

not a complete failure to them…

So, are you going to enjoy your pond this winter? Or are

you going to let it sit idle until next May? You decide.

Jared Engelbert